Children who grew up in precarious situations (Tamara Eckhardt), young people playing war (Natalia Kepesz), intimidation and foreignness experienced in one’s own country (Vanessa A. Opoku), the pitfalls of foreign cultures (Zoyeon), the (un-)culture of model house displays in Germany (Fiona Körner), eighteen neat chapters of photography (Maximilian Gessler), photographs made by marrying analogue and digital techniques (Alexander Kadow), the taming of the viral and volatile language of internet memes using Trojan horses (Max Dauven) —the works of this year’s award winners move along a timeline that equally encompasses the present, past, and future.
Künstlerhaus Dortmund
Kulturzentrum Festung Ehrenbreitstein Landesmuseum Koblenz
Planned for April 2023 to August 2023
Haus der Photographie, PHOXXI Deichtorhallen Hamburg
More gute aussichten
Planned for December 2022 to May 2023
heimspiel13: gute aussichten 2021/2022 in the Gallery ot of Haardter Schloss, Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Germany
Planned for August to November 2022
gute aussichten SELECTION Goethe-Institut Vietnam Ho-Chi-Minh-Stadt
5. bis 7. August 2022 August 5 to 7, 2022
gute aussichten hotspot C.A.R. – Photo / Media Art Fair UNESCO-Welterbe Zollverein Essen
Planned for November 2022
gute aussichten plattform 10: WHY!
The meeting and communication forum for young photographers Haus der Photographie Deichtorhallen Hamburg
All events are subject to change at short notice and additional exhibition venues and special events may be added. Updates will be posted on the websites of our exhibition partners and can also be accessed at: